We understand church membership not to be our own unique idea, but God's idea. He intends for the ones whom Christ purchased with his precious blood to join together to worship Him, to take the gospel to the nations,  to encourage one another and build one another up, to care for one another and bear one another's burdens. Further, he instructs us not to neglect meeting together, cutting ourselves off from the gracious gifts He provides in the fellowship and encouragement of other believers (Hebrews 10:25).

To become a member at Temple Hills Baptist Church, there is a 3-step process:

  • Instruction—Membership Class - Prospective members attend the one-day membership class (roughly 3 hours) which serves as an introduction and overview of what our church believes, how we intend to live together in Gospel community, and how we seek to fulfill the Great Commission in our community and to the ends of the earth. People who attend this class are not required to become members, but completing this course is required for anyone who desires to join THBC.  Classes are offered bi-monthly, or as requested.  
  •  Interview—Meeting with an Elder: The prospective member meets with an elder to provide basic biographical information, recount God’s converting work in his or her life, and share ways they may sense the Lord has equipped them to serve in ministry.  

    Once the membership interview has taken place, the elder(s) will review notes of the interview and decide whether the prospective member is ready to be recommended to the congregation or whether further conversations and considerations would be wise.

  • Integration—Members with Members: During a regularly scheduled bi-monthly membership meeting, an elder will share appropriate portions of a prospective member's testimony with the congregation who will then respond with a vote to bring them into membership. This vote is an affirmation of the new member’s profession of faith, the commitment to help them to heaven, and the expectation that they will do the same for them. After the vote, the moderator will ask for volunteers to reach out to the new members and welcome them. The new members will be added to the church directory for continued follow-up and prayer support. 

**For more information about becoming a member at THBC or to sign up for the next membership class, fill out the form on this link.