We understand our main ministry to adults to be through the Sunday morning and evening services where we gather together to sit under the preaching of the gospel, pray together, sing together, and observe the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's Supper. In addition to that, we encourage members to take advantage of the following venues to spur spiritual growth:

Bible Study (Wednesdays @ 7pm)

We gather weekly to study God's word together.  Our normal format is to study a small passage of Scripture and ask the following questions of the text:

  1. What does it say?  
  2. What does it mean?  
  3. What does it mean for me?

We're currently in a study through the letter of 2 Corinthians.

Equipping Class (Sundays @ 9:15 am)

Each Sunday, prior to our main gathering, we offer a class helping us to comprehend the overarching truths about God and His Word and how they apply to us.  Our current class is on Systematic Theology.

One-on-One Discipling

We encourage members to meet together one-on-one outside of the normal church gatherings to help and encourage each other to grow in Christ. Often members will study through a book of the Bible or read through a Christian book, or discuss implications of the previous sermon together.